Monday, 23 November 2009

Alphabet Soup Part 2 - Crit sheet

How are the four words selected to represent the typeface being explored?

Kinky - For this aspect of her personality I am exploring zips, chains, revealing flesh and leather. This is taken from her love of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Confident - I am going to looking and bold fonts that make an impact.

Vibrant - I will begin to explore neon colours and eye catching patterns.

Manipulative - For this trait or Robyn's personality I will be looking at puppets and puppet masters. This is taken from Robyn's ideal power, the power of manipulation.

Why is the existing typeface that has been selected to manipulate and inappropriate/appropriate chioice?

They typeface that I have selected is appropriate because it is bold, like robin's personality but it is also thin in parts which will be good to manipulate.

What are the reasons behind the design decisions you have made for the type face so far?

I think that the typeface works well with the aspects of Robyn's personality. It is fun to work with and creates some good combinations.

Actions to be taken

  1. Research more.
  2. Experiment with different colours and tones.
  3. Experiment with a leather effect and different positions of zips.
  4. Find name badge.
  5. Reduce clutter.

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